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时间 : 2012-09-21 来源 : 本网原创稿 作者 : 中国(南方)学术网 【字体:
  Call for Papers

  Xi’an 2013 INSNA Conference

  The Xi’an 2013 INSNA Conference will be held on July 12-15 in Xi’an, China. This is a conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), and it will be organized by the Institute for Empirical Social Science Research of Xi’an Jiaotong University and the Chinese Association for Social Network Analysis.
  The conference website is insna2013.xjtu.edu.cn. This is the venue where to submit your workshop selections, session proposals, paper abstracts, conference and hotel registrations, and tourist plans. The deadline for session proposals and paper abstracts is December 31 of 2012. The conference secretariat will send each registered international participant an official letter of acceptance, which is to be used for a visa application from your local Chinese consulate.
  The organizing committee is pleased to have the following people as international advisors: George Barnett, Catherine Faust, Linton Freeman, Ronald Burt, Bonnie Erickson, Joseph Galaskiewicz, Nan Lin, Peter Marsden, Pip Pattison, Werner Raub, Garry Robins, John Skvoretz, Tom Snijders, Anne Tsui, Stanley Wasserman, and Barry Wellman.
Local organizers: Yanjie Bian (yjbian@mail.xjtu.edu.cn), Jieming Chen, Jiade Luo,

  Conference secretariat Email: insna2013@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

  Conference website:insna2013.xjtu.edu.cn

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